Sunday 15 June 2014


Hey again guys, today I want you to step outside when it's dark, look up at the stars and take into account where you are on this earth. Take into consideration that those stars you are looking to are actually in the past, the only time you should take into the past, is reassuring your present. You need to know where you came from but that doesn't mean that the past controls the future. The past is gone, some good, some bad, but it's gone. Tomorrow's a new day, think of it that day.
Little but of love and hope <3

Sunday 8 June 2014


Hi guys, sorry it's been so long, it's been a stressful couple of weeks, with exams and everything, but today I want you to take a minute or 10 just to reflect on the last couple of weeks, how many times have you done something for someone who cannot repay you? Sometimes just bringing a little life to those who don't have much, is the most beautiful thing;  just something little giving a pound to charity or spending an hour at a soup kitchen or reading a story to the elderly. Just remember when you die, it's the experiences you've had and the friends you have made, that will be there for you, not just some numbers and letters on a page. Live life like nobody's watching, and use every breath like it's your last
Little bit of love and hope <3

Wednesday 28 May 2014


Hi guys, today, I want you to change your sheets, on your bed, I know it sounds weird, I know it's odd putting on crisp sheets when you've made the sheets comfortable but just try it. Think about the effort put into changing that bed, all of the effort with the making of the sheets and the washing of them, just so you can sleep well. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to appriciate what you have got. Something as little as changing your bed can make you do that. Making little changes, every week, every month can make you appriciate what you have and make you see that sometimes you can grow with change.
Little bit of love and hope <3

Sunday 25 May 2014


Hi guys, today, I want you to be nice to someone who you haven't spoken to before, like saying hi to someone who doesn't usually get talked to, or give some smile to someone who needs it. People appreciate kindness, just going out of your way for a few seconds to brighten up someone's day, can also brighten up yours. If you do this everyday, to someone new, you would have lightened up someone's life every day, you never know whether you could have saved their life. You are wonderful, everyone has to see that they are wonderful too. Share your kindness, share your love, by sharing a few seconds of your life, with someone who needs it, one day that person, may be you
Little bit of love and hope <3

Friday 23 May 2014


hi guys, today I want you to listen to a song, one close to your heart, let all the memories flood back, from all the times you've heard it. Those lyrics at that time, represented something to you, remember how far you have come since then. If it brings back painful memories let them go, those lyrics are just a combination of 26 letters put down to a rhythm. If it brings back good memories, treasure each letter as if they wont come back. Learn that words can be sacred, no matter what, whether they be painful or beautiful, they will leave an impression on someone. Watch what you say, as you never know whose going to see them as pain or as beauty.
Little bit of love and hope <3

Thursday 22 May 2014


Hi guys, today, I want you to smile, at, at least one person, one person who wouldn't normally receive a smile, you don't know just how much that can brighten up someone's day. Try waving because some people just are so down with their world, just a simple piece of recognition for the fact that they are upset can brighten up their entire life. Just recognise that little things in life are sacred, because some of the things you take for granted, some people have learnt to live without. Life's little luxuries, smile and wave :)
Little bit of love and hope <3

Tuesday 20 May 2014


Today I want to know about you, just one little thing, one little story, one little fact, and I want you to write it down in a book or notepad somewhere. Now every week I want you to fill in a little more of this book, a day recount, a fact you learnt, a quote, a picture, a story about the past, and slowly but surely fill it, then when you look back, you will see just how much you have changed over a year, how you have progressed. I want you to know that change is OK, we are constantly changing all the time, and noticing it makes us all the more human. Don't judge yourself for the changes, they are beautiful, signs that you are growing as a human, learning more about life, every day.

Little bit of love and hope <3

Monday 19 May 2014


Hi, so here we are again. So today I want you to feel pride, in yourself, I want you to do something that makes you really happy, I want you to set out to do it, have time set aside, and then complete it. Whether it be a song, or a drawing or a story, just what ever makes you happy and when you are finished, I want you to feel pride in the fact that you did that yourself, you created that. Feel the love for it grow, because you were amazing enough to complete that. You need to have pride in yourself and your work, with that then follows confidence and confidence can take you anywhere. I love you guys and not even the sky is the limit, just think by the time you have finished this sentence, the universe has just expanded more than we could ever even imagine, there is no limit, don't give yourself any.

Little bit of love and hope <3

Sunday 18 May 2014


Today I want you to think about luck, how many times you've guessed right on heads or tails or how you caught your phone before it hit the ground. Its not all luck, that's you, your brain deciphering its next move, quicker than you do, and look at the results. Just imagine what you can do when you plan things through, endless lose ends tied up, that feeling when you get things just right and they work out for the best. Today make a plan, for anything, rough or neat, one that is possible or impossible, write it down and look back at it later, you will see lose ends you can tie up and things that might not work out, fresh insight works. Build this up, and you will see your aspirations on a page before you without you even realising it, and yes, making a unicorn or eating loads of cake is an aspiration, no matter how funny they seem. Look back on it after time and write new ones, this can be help, for wanting to move on from a situation or even the start of a plot for a story you may write, its up to you, all from your head. I'd love to hear some :)

Little bit of love and hope <3


Today, look in the mirror for me and say, 'I'm beautiful' because you are, you are a human being shaped in that form, there is no other you, embrace that, if this world loses another bright individual star in the sky, I cant even bare the thought of it. Have you tried keeping a diary? Try the unusual ones, like the wreck it journals or even go even more exciting and keep a book, and every day read a page, and highlight the words to best describe your day and write the dates in the corners, this way you will be able, at the end of the year, to look back and see how you felt on individual days. This can help you see that the happiest days are the best days and you deserve to have a happy day, every day. Love yourself and others around you because you never know how long you are going to be here for, so say as you feel, but don't hurt others, treat others the way you would want to be treated. Love, live, life.

Little bit of love and hope <3

Saturday 17 May 2014


Today think about what its like to be alive, take a moment to just breathe.... in and out, be conscious of when you inhale and exhale, pay attention to how each part of you moves and tenses and relaxes, how many times a minute you blink and think of all of the blood rushing through your body every second that you are alive. Now think, your entire body did that without you having to think about it, it just does it, now imagine what you can do when you put your mind to it, there are limitless possibilities, you are limitless, find a limit and push through it, you are more than capable. Today make a goal, one that is realistic, achievable, measurable and within a time limit, I want to know what it is and I want to know if you achieve it, there is nothing better than self pride when you achieve a goal, then push it further and further, you are amazing, make sure you prove it :)

Little bit of love and hope <3

Friday 16 May 2014


Hey again :)
Today, don't leave your heart captive, take today to let your heart break lose and tell the people you love that you love them, you never know when they might need it. Sometimes people just need to be told that they are beautiful and wonderful because we all are in our different ways, just let the ones you love know you love them. This will make you feel better, lift you a little when they thank you and say they love you too. Today make an effort to tell the truth to at least one person, even if they don't like it, if they are mature, they will respect you for it. Never keep your problems to yourself, as the weight of them only depends on how long you hold on to them. Love today, love tomorrow, and most importantly love yourself because you are wonderful, and I'm proud that you got up today. Love to hear from you guys
Little bit of love and hope <3

Wednesday 14 May 2014


This is my first post and I'm going to take full advantage of opening with saying, thank you and that I'm proud you got up today :)
Now I know I wont write every week or so, I'm kinda in the middle of my exams at the moment but I wanted to take this time to give some of you just a little bit of hope and love, to make sure that you all know that you are beautiful and you deserve to be told so. I know many of you will have blogs of your own, and they are amazing too, I like to take time to look at them, if you want me to take a look just comment your url and I will take a look.
Ok, now I love writing, reading and just hiding really, I'm sure many of you would agree but I would love to get to know you, as I'm always here to listen. I know lots of you will be having lots going on in your lives, exams and pressure and friends and just people in general, just know I'm here for you and I'm always here to listen to you.
I will write little things like tips of exams and things and little things in life you may need a little help with, any suggestions just tell me, I'm willing to listen. I will post things randomly and it wont be a regular thing but trust me if you keep coming back, I will too.
Ok, so my first thing I really want to say to you is that you are wonderful, just amazing in your own way and don't let anyone tell you different, no matter who you are, you are beautiful and I love you for finding me, because I'm always willing to tell you that.
Thank you for finding me and I will be posting more soon, anyways, speak to you soon
Little piece of love and hope <3